Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Please remember Minneapolis in your prayers!

A bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, MN tonight during rush hour traffic. This bridge was 64 feet above the Mississippi River and 50+ cars went into the river. Many cars are on fire and there is total devastation all around. I pray none of my family was on that bridge and my heart goes out to all those that were. A very sad thing to happen so please remember everyone in your prayers. Thank you my friends.


Sarah in AZ said...

I just saw this on the news, we've been trying to call friends and family back home and can't get through...I hope your loved ones are safe...

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh!!! HOW AWFUL!!! I will be praying for those people tonight.

WeightBGone said...


I hope you are able to get a hold of your family and all is well. I'm sure the phone lines are a mess. They are advising people not to use their cell phones because the lines are all tied up. I do know my immediate family are all accounted for thankfully.

Anonymous said...

Dear L*rd!! I'll be praying! How awful!

Anonymous said...

I saw that on the news this morning. The pictures are so devastating. I'll be praying too!!!

Unknown said...

so glad that your family is accounted for. I hope that everyone else finds there families to be safe as well. I cannot imagine the tragedy and devastation that Minneapolis must be feeling! Thank you for always being so thoughtful and for reminding us over and over that there are amazing, wonderful, kind people still in this world!! Your friendship is such a blessing to me!

Sarah in AZ said...

Everybody so far is okay on my end. I have one friend back there who is "missing" someone, but doesn't know if he's out of town or what...I've been glued to CNN after it happened...

ajlovestolose said...

so so so scary. I have friends that live near the bridge and it was scary to make those calls to make sure everyone was OK. They are, but my heart goes out to everyone who is missing someone or who has someone injured from the collapse. How scary to be doing such a mndane thing like crossing a bridge and to have it fall down so quickly. Oh my. AJ

MMalloy said...

I am so glad to read that you and your family are safe. I was fortunatly out of town last week, what a tragedy.

The Price's Wife said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers!