Thursday, August 9, 2007

Wedding Bell Blues and Weight Watchers Blahs..........

My Dear Barbie Friends if you've noticed I have been MIA over the last few days so I thought it time I get my dragging butt back in gear and walk the staight and narrow path again.

I was our of town at a wedding this past weekend which had an Hawaiian Luaua theme.
The bride was beautiful, the groom handsome and all the festivities wonderful until to much booze were flowing through veins and a fight broke out with punches being swung, people being hurt and the ambulance called. Naturally this caused a huge rift between families and a sad ending to a beautiful day for bride and groom. I know bodies will heal and hopefully in time these familes can come back together again and find forgiveness and peace in their hearts for the new lives that were joined together that day.

Anyway, I have had one heck of a time getting myself back on course again. I haven't felt all that good so my eating hasnt been the best and I even passed on weigh in yesterday which is something I just don't do. So, I am kicking myself in my Barbie butt and starting today I am getting back on track. I will drink all my water, journal my food intake. Nature Barbie is pulling her head out of her a$$ and marching to a different tune starting today. I've missed all my Barbie friends so I have returned!! I hope all of you are doing well and having a great week. I CAN do this and I WILL!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like it was an interesting wedding! Glad you are back and getting on track! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW - sounds like it was interesting! Glad to see your back...

MMalloy said...

A fight at a wedding? Sounds like an interesting event! I am happy to hear you are ready to get back OP, I miss seeing your posts!

Amanda said...

I've never seen a fight at a wedding. That made for an interesting night... Glad you are back!! You can do this!! We've missed you!

Swizzlepop said...

I've heard about fights breaking out at weddings but have yet to actually witness one. Hope things fall back in order and things get better between the families.
Good to see you back!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting wedding! Glad your've been missed!

The Price's Wife said...

I wonder what picture Collete would find for the "pull my head out of my ars barbie"... hmmmm

WeightBGone said...

LMAO@ diet coke and zingers comment! Good question so I will put a call out to Colette regarding the "head in arse Barbie"

Coooooolette are you out there??? Do you have a "head in arse Barbie??" LOL Nature Barbie needs a change. :)

BB said...

Glad you're ok! I missed WI today for the first time and I did it on purpose too. Must be something in the air LOL! I'll get on track if you do:) Hang in there!

Sarah in AZ said...

WOW, I've never witnessed one like that either, but I have friends who have...You have the right mentality though, just picking back up where you left off...
Glad to see you back :)

Unknown said...

Hallelujah she's back with a vengance!!! Soooo good to have you home in the Barbie Mansion.

Hmmm - that wedding sounds like a part of the Jerry Springer show.......poor bride and groom!

Okay - again, sooooooo glad to have you home - you make my day and I miss you when you aren't around!