Thursday, January 17, 2008

Quote for the day.......

"It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top."

I realize its not always easy to get to the top of that hill, I often find myself huffing and puffing along the way. I stop to rest claiming I want to view the scenery but once I do get to the top the rewards are plentiful. Dragging my big butt up there can prove to be a challenge but I know this is what I need to do for myself.

Hubby and I started on a new insurance plan this year which pays $20 towards each of our health club membership but the catch is we both have to attend 12 times in a month. I won't have a problem doing that because one thing I do passionately is remain dedicated to Gym. I can't let Steph be the only one playing around with him so I see him on the side too. LOL The hubby on the other hand is another story. I already told him he can't just go check in and leave he needs to work out. So far he's only attended four times this month so he's got a lot of working out to do to make his quota. He did attend this afternoon after work but wasn't gone long stating many people were waiting for the treadmill so he didnt want to stay on it to long. Nice story huh? LOL This should prove to be very interesting.

I am having a lot of problems getting the last of my poundage off but I am maintaining so this is a good thing. It's amazing how good some foods taste now that I've changed my eating habits. I never would of reached for grapes instead of a cookie but now grapes taste so sweet to me. Not to say the cookie isnt still tempting I just don't keep them in the house or they would be calling my name. LOL

I hope all is well with each of you and thank you for the support you give me and everyone else on here. You all are wonderful and very much appreciated. Have a great weekend. :)


Diana Swallow said...

WOW that sounds like a great insurance plan! I can't wait until I've lost enough weigh to qualify for medical insurance. Maybe by 2010!

Unknown said...

Oh no - so gym is cheating on me, huh??? Well at least I know that he has high standards because he picked such a beautiful person in you! Way to go on staying with it.....this journey is a long one but rest assured my friend - you will be all that you want to be. You are an amazing, strong, dedicated, wonderful woman so I have no doubt that you will achieve every goal you have set for yourself! Not to mention you have helped me and so many others along the way!

Keep on keeping on - oh yeah, I got 12 boxes of girl scout cookies the other day from GYM - aren't I the lucky girl!

Chubby Chick said...

I love that insurance plan! What a great way to feel motivated to exercise! lol I hope hubby gets into the spirit of things!